NEFAC 30 Minute Skills: How to Navigate the Court System

    March 11, 2022 @ 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
    Justin Silverman

    The New England First Amendment Coalition launched last year a monthly educational series featuring short, practical lessons on journalism and the First Amendment. The program is free and open to the public. Registration for each lesson is required.

    Nearly every aspect of our lives intersects within the court system. For journalists and other community watchdogs, however, accessing local, state, and federal courts can be an intimidating task. It can often be a challenge to obtain information about hearings, attend proceedings and receive copies of judicial records. By attending our class, you will learn:

    • How the court system operates and the levels of public access.
    • The gatekeepers of information and where they can be found.
    • Strategies and tips for reporters beginning to cover the courts.
    • About Your Instructor

    Roy S. Gutterman is an expert on communications law and the First Amendment. He is the director of the Tully Center for Free Speech at Syracuse University. Gutterman worked as a reporter for the Cleveland Plain Dealer covering local and state government, crime, legal issues, and general news. He later clerked for a New Jersey Superior Court judge and practiced business and general litigation. Gutterman writes and speaks on media law, free speech, the intersection between courts and journalists, and legal education issues. He sits on the Freedom of Information Committee for the Society of Professional Journalists and the faculty committee for the Government Accountability Project in Washington, D.C.