2024 marks the 84th celebration of National Newspaper Week. Since 1940, Newspaper Association Managers has sponsored and supported National Newspaper Week, a week-long promotion of the newspaper industry in the United States and Canada.

As we prepare to celebrate 2024 National Newspaper Week, we find ourselves reflecting on the unique role newspapers play in our communities. This year, we are inviting you—the publishers, editors, and journalists who make up the heart of our industry—to share your stories about why you are in the newspaper business.

Every one of us has a story about what led us to this profession. Maybe it was the thrill of chasing a breaking news story, the joy of telling the untold tales of our community, or the drive to hold the powerful accountable. These are the stories that define us, inspire us, and keep us committed to the work we do every day.

We are asking you to take a moment to reflect and share your journey. Why did you choose this path? What keeps you motivated through the challenges? What impact have you seen your work have on the community? By sharing our experiences, we can celebrate the vital role that newspapers continue to play in our society.

Use this National Newspaper Week as an opportunity to remind your readers—and yourselves—why journalism matters. Whether it’s a personal essay, a column, or a special feature, let’s come together to highlight the passion, dedication, and resilience that drive us. Share your story with your readers and join the conversation using the hashtag #TellingOurStories2024.

Our voices are powerful, and our stories are worth telling. Let’s celebrate what it means to be a part of the newspaper business and inspire the next generation of journalists to carry the torch forward.

Thank you for your dedication to the truth, and for the stories you tell every day.

Below you will find promotional print ads, social media ads, web ads, guest columns and editorial cartoons, all available for download at no charge to daily and non-daily newspapers across North America.

PLAN TO CELEBRATE National Newspaper Week by downloading these materials and devoting as many column inches as possible to reinforce the importance of your newspaper to your communities, and also by sharing the message on your social media platforms over the course of the week.

MAKE IT LOCAL by editorializing about your newspaper’s unique relevance. This can be about your duties as government watchdog, your coverage of community events, publication of timely public notices, etc.

Thank you for supporting National Newspaper Week. You already know there is power in association. And the same principle holds when associations like ours band together to provide even greater impact — both directly to newspaper members locally and collectively to the overall industry nationwide.