About The New England Newspaper & Press Association

The New England Newspaper & Press Association (NENPA) is the professional trade organization for newspapers in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Rhode Island.

As the principal advocate for newspapers in New England our goal is to help newspaper professionals successfully fulfill their mission to engage and inform the public while navigating and ultimately thriving in today’s evolving media landscape.

NENPA represents and serves more than 450 daily, weekly and specialty newspapers throughout the six-state region. All NENPA members benefit from a wide range of services and programs.

Become Part of NENPA

Membership Information

NENPA offers several types of memberships. Rates and information required to apply for membership can be found on the application forms. If you’d like more detailed information about membership, and the services that NENPA provides, or if you have questions about joining our organization, please contact Social Media Marketing Manager, Tara Cleary at t.cleary@nenpa.com.

  • Newspaper Membership – Application Form
    (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, non-profit newspapers, student newspapers (college, university and high school)
  • Affiliate Publisher Membership – Application Form
    (monthly papers, shoppers, magazines, periodicals, trade publications, specialty publications, blogs, online publications, and other news service organizations)
  • Affiliate Company Membership – Application Form
    (companies that sell products and services to newspapers, and advertising agencies)
  • Associate Membership – Application Form
    (student, teacher, professor, freelancer, blogger, photographer, and retiree)
  • Academic Membership – Application Form
    (college, university, or high school)

NENPA Member Benefits

Sales Representation for Regional Display Advertising

NENPA places more than $5 million of advertising in New England newspapers each year through our one-order, one-bill service. This program funnels new revenue to newspapers in the region and simplifies the process for regional and national advertisers that want to place ads in New England newspapers.

Our free, one-stop service makes it easy for businesses, organizations and agencies to conveniently place their print and online ads in as many papers as they need to accomplish their marketing objectives.

Conferences & Conventions

NENPA is committed to providing all of its members with access to high quality professional development activities that consistently provide cutting edge ideas, strategic insight and a true competitive advantage.

NENPA produces two large events each year that are jam-packed with workshops, training sessions, seminars and panels that address the latest developments, opportunities and obstacles that our members are confronting. The New England Newspaper Conference is a special one-day event held each fall and the New England Newspaper Convention is a two-day convention held in the winter. These events offer professionals from all areas of the newspaper business an opportunity to explore, discuss and debate the pressing issues that the industry and their own publications are facing.

Newspaper and Staff Recognition

NENPA conducts region-wide competitions and bestows both individual and institutional awards that recognize the extraordinary achievements of newspapers and newspaper personnel in the six-state New England region. Chief among these awards are the New England Newspaper Awards and the New England Better Newspaper Contest.

NENPA members are also eligible to be nominated for prestigious individual honors and lifetime achievement awards. The New England Newspaper Hall of Fame recognizes the most outstanding newspaper professionals from our six-state region and the Yankee Quill Award (presented by the Academy of New England Journalists) honors New England’s most extraordinary journalists for their contributions to a free press and their efforts to improve the communities they serve.

NENPA’s affiliate groups also confer awards throughout the year to honor those who work within specific disciplines, such as news, advertising, circulation and production.

NENPA University – Professional Development

In addition to the full slate of conferences, conventions and seminars, NENPA partners with affiliate groups to offer in-depth one or two day training sessions that help participants learn or sharpen the skills required to be successful in specific areas of the newspaper business.

Trainings are held online and throughout New England and typically focus on topics such as advertising sales, watchdog or multimedia journalism, copy editing, photography, various aspects of production, etc. In every case, NENPA University trainings are conducted by some of the most knowledgeable professionals in the industry.

Industry News and Insight: the NENPA e-Bulletin

NENPA publishes a locally-focused industry news round-up that is distribute online and via email to executives and staff at newspapers throughout New England. The NENPA eBulletin includes timely articles of particular interest to metropolitan and community newspapers, relevant commentary and how-to tips from nationally-recognized newspaper specialists— all updated constantly.

Norms, Best Practices and Strategic Consulting

NENPA staff members have considerable expertise in newspaper operations and publishing strategy. We’re also in an ideal position to help members identify best practices, good examples and standards in use at newspapers throughout the region or the country. Members are encouraged to contact the NENPA office for day-to-day operational assistance at any time.

Job Listings

The New England Newspaper and Press Association job bank is a great resource for finding newspaper and journalism jobs throughout New England. Job listings are updated regularly and often include open positions for journalists, editors, publishers, photojournalists, newspaper ad sales, and more. Member newspapers may post their job openings for free.
