Advertising Campaign Coordination Service

Streamline your ad placement process
Send one email to the New England Newspaper & Press Association and we’ll do the rest!
Placing your ads in one or two newspapers is easy enough, but the process of placing ads across a larger geographic region can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. That’s why our expert staff is available to do all the work so you don’t have to! We place print and digital advertising in daily newspapers, weeklies, and specialty publications.
Some advertisers know exactly which publications they want to use. But if you’d like, we can also research and recommend the most cost-effective schedule to help you reach your target market. Whether you require broad reach or targeted messaging, our staff does all the work for you. We even consolidate the billing so you receive just one itemized invoice.
Lowest ad rates available
Rest assured NENPA will make certain that your company receives the exact same rates as you would if you called each individual newspaper directly. The lowest ad rate that you qualify for is the rate that you will get – it’s as simple as that.
No markups or commission
Because NENPA is a nonprofit organization funded by New England newspapers, our services are provided at no cost to your business – you simply pay for the cost of your ads! There are no markups or commissions involved.
Your business needs customers and we can help you reach them! Newspapers and their digital publications typically provide the largest audience available in local markets.
Not only can we deliver New England customers – but we can help your business reach your prospects nationwide through our partnership with other state press associations. Even a wide-reaching national advertising campaign can be placed with just one email to NENPA!
Reach prospects nationwide
Not only can we deliver New England customers – but we can help you reach your prospects nationwide through our partnership with other state press associations. Even a wide-reaching national advertising campaign can be placed with just one call to NENPA!
Hundreds of companies, organizations and their ad agencies use the NENPA advertising placement service. It is an invaluable resource that saves you time and effort. Give us a try today!