Local Media Foundation is now accepting applications from Black-owned and -operated local media outlets to participate in the Knight x LMA BloomLab.

LMF will select eight additional local media outlets to join 18 publishers currently participating in the Knight x LMA BloomLab, a three-year, $3.2 million immersive experience for Black-owned local media outlets, funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The application period is currently open. The deadline for the final submission of all applications will be 8 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, May 12.

The BloomLab includes three full-time, dedicated directors who work with the media outlets and other Local Media Association/Local Media Foundation staff members who serve as subject-matter experts in reader revenue, branded content, philanthropic funding and more. Selected media outlets will participate in the initiative through December 2024, focusing on technology upgrades, business transformation and shared learning opportunities. Participants will also qualify to receive technology stipends of $50,000.

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