Entries are open through Friday, July 19, 2024!

About the Allan B. Rogers Editorial Award

This award recognizes the best editorial on a local subject that ran in New England in the past year (June 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024).

The award honors the editor of The Eagle-Tribune (North Andover, MA) who died in 1964 at the age of 31.

The competition is open to local subject editorials from a wide variety of newspapers in New England, regardless of circulation size and frequency of publication.

NENPA member newspapers, regardless of circulation size and frequency of publication, are invited to enter.

Entry fee $125 

Judging will take place in August. Winners will be notified in September, and all awards will be presented and celebrated during the New England Newspaper & Press Association (NENPA) and New York Press Association (NYPA) joint Fall Conference at The Omni in Providence, RI from September 19-21, 2024.

For more information please contact Linda Conway at l.conway@nenpa.com.

The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, MA – Amid clergy abuse case, a chilling attack on a free press
This clearly written piece chastising the Catholic diocese in Western Massachusetts for trying to subpoena a reporter’s notes, which would reveal confidential sources, delineates why such an assault on the First Amendment is dangerous. At a time when the media is derided as producing “fake” news, it’s particularly important to show the benefits to society of an unfettered press. The stand is strong, compelling, and easily understood. The editorial goes one crucial step further in calling for legislators to adopt a shield law, as other states have, that would protect reporters’ news-gathering resources.

New Hampshire Union Leader – To our readers (William Loeb)
The 2022 Allan B. Rogers Editorial Award goes to the New Hampshire Union Leader for its front-page editorial confronting — and condemning — the shameful history of child sexual abuse by former publisher William Loeb. The editorial, part of a powerful Page One package, came after Loeb’s stepdaughter came forward in May 2022 to say that Loeb sexually molested her repeatedly when she was 7 years old. The editorial acknowledged that Loeb had an outsized role in the political history of New Hampshire, and at the newspaper, but got right to the point: “We know now that William Loeb is not a man to be celebrated.” Explaining that the Union Leader has removed Loeb’s name from the masthead, the editorial ended with the moral clarity that has defined a free press since the founding of the country: “This newspaper will continue to hold the powerful accountable, whoever they may be. That is our duty to this state and to our readers.”

The Eagle-Tribune, North Andover, MA

“Fixing a broken system” written by David Joyner

The judges remarked that this editorial captures readers with its lively lede and lays out the issues plaguing the region’s gas lines with strong reporting, clear language, and a call to action for the state to fix this dangerous problem. It’s a strong example of what an editorial should be.

When notified that they were receiving this prestigious award, the Eagle-Tribune had this to say,
“The Eagle-Tribune is honored to have this award named after its former editor Allan B. Rogers. The Rogers family and subsequent owners of the Eagle-Tribune have been strong proponents of local journalism in the North of Boston area dating back to 1867. Of course, editorials are the heart of any local newspaper. They celebrate the successes in the community, provide public service announcements, and hold local politicians and public figures accountable. This year’s nominees and winners of the Allan B. Rogers Editorial award demonstrate how newspapers can be the most important voice in the communities they serve.”

The Inquirer and Mirror, Nantucket, MA

“The loss of eelgrass and erosion of community” written by John Stanton.

The judges noted: The Inquirer and Mirror’s editorial was a very well-written piece on an intensely local and unique issue to Nantucket. It explained a complex situation in terms that readers could understand and appreciate. Most people would walk away from reading this piece feeling better informed like they gained new knowledge on an important issue affecting the community and island culture. They’d also feel as if they understood the potential solutions and could advocate for them or take some action.

The Standard-Times New Bedford, MA
“Children crossing border should be kept with parents” by Jack Spillane

The 2019 Allan B. Rogers Editorial Award goes to Jack Spillane, editorial page editor of The Standard-Times in New Bedford, Mass. Spillane’s award-winning editorial, “Children crossing border should be kept with parents,” brings home the heartrending impact of the Trump Administration’s immigration policies by focusing on a local Guatemalan boy and his mother as their husband and father sits in a Georgia jail awaiting deportation. Spillane writes with power and clarity, making a compassionate appeal that while immigration reform efforts grind on, the rending apart of nuclear families must stop immediately. “That is a heinous policy,” he writes, “and not worthy of America.”

Telegram & Gazette

Worcester, MA

DA Early and the Bibaud probe by Anthony Simollardes

The Gloucester Daily Times

Gloucester, MA

“City must move to restore faith in police, department”
by David Olson

The Providence Journal

Providence, RI

“A fraud, a farce, a dog-and-pony show”
by Ed Achorn

The Sun

Lowell, MA

“Chelmsford’s had enough of Tiano”
by David McArdle

The Patriot Ledger

Quincy, MA

by Amy MacKinnon

The Newtown Bee

Newtown, CT

“Answering for Our Town”
by Curtiss Clark

Cape Cod Times

Hyannis, MA

“An Age-old Challenge”
by William Mills

The Eagle-Tribune

North Andover, MA

“Civil service plumbs new depths of absurdity”
by Ken Johnson
