Barbara (Goldberg) Bernstein of Old Saybrook, Conn., and formerly of West Hartford and Waterford, Conn., died Oct. 18 at Evergreen Woods in North Branford, Conn.
She was employed part time at The Hartford (Conn.) Courant, For 15 years, she also did reporting and advertising and special fashion and holiday magazine sections for the then-Farmington Valley Herald of West Hartford.
She covered some of the Watergate coverup trial and interviewed its judge, John Sirica.
She leaves a daughter, Lori, and two grandchildren, Aviva and Elliot.
The obituaries were written, at least in part, from published reports by Bulletin correspondents Ashleane Alabre, Sophie Cannon, Jenna Ciccotelli, Nico Hall, Joshua Leaston, Georgeanne Oliver, Julia Preszler and Thomas Ward, undergraduate students at Northeastern University.