Carol Robidoux is founder, publisher and Chief Instigating Officer of manchesterinklink.com, a digital news and information site based in Manchester, NH. She has been a journalist since the early 1990s, working for the Bucks County Courier Times in Levittown, PA, as a columnist and features writer before moving to New Hampshire for a staff reporting job at the NH Union Leader in 2001. As newsroom jobs dwindled she continued writing freelance for various publications including the Boston Globe, The Concord Monitor, Business NH Magazine and the NH Bar News. She spent more than two years learning the ways of digital news as local editor for NashuaPatch.com from 2011-2014 before launching the Inklink in June 2014. She is a founding member of the Granite State News Collaborative, an active member of LION Publishers, and a past board member of the NH Press Association.On Twitter: @ManchInkLink @CarolRobidoux