Most Americans Think Media Is Doing Fairly Well Covering COVID-19 Outbreak

Amy Mitchell & J. Baxter Oliphant | Pew Research Center | March 18, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has caught...

Member News Related to Coronavirus

Main Page | Webinars & Live Events | Member News | Resources | Essential Services Newspapers across New...

Can New England News Media Attend ‘Virtual’ Court Hearings?

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, courts in New England are increasingly holding hearings by telephone and videoconference.

COVID-19: Getting good information as virus crisis unfolds

Gene Policinski is president and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum Institute. He can be reached at, or follow...

Coronavirus Essential Services

Main Page | Webinars & Live Events | Member News | Resources | Essential Services News organizations are...

Innovation Challenges? – Apply To GNI Innovation Challenge

Help journalism thrive in digital. Apply for funds from the Google News Initiative Innovation Challenge. The theme is Sustainability through Diversity and...

Mother’s Day During COVID-19 Stay At Home Orders

Mother's Day 2020 is about as different as it can get with stay at home orders in place in most of the...

NTVB Media Provides What to Watch to Newspapers for Free

NTVB Media will provide a weekly roundup of television viewing recommendations to newspapers at no charge until at least May 31.

Coronavirus Resources and Training

Main Page | Webinars & Live Events | Member News | Resources | Essential Services Resources and training...

Next Round of FJP Grant Applications Opens April 13

Last week Facebook Journalism Project (FJP) announced a $100M investment to support the news industry during the COVID-19 outbreak. This week they announced the first...