Farewell to two free spirit, free speech icons
Gene Policinski
Inside the First Amendment
Gene Policinski is
chief operating officer
of the
Newseum Institute and
senior vice president
of the Institute’s
First Amendment Center.
He can be reached at
Follow him
on Twitter:...
Thankful We Can Speak Our Minds This Thanksgiving
At the Freedom Forum, we’ve thought about creating T-shirts that read: “Free speech: Complicating Thanksgiving Dinner since 1791.”
NEFAC Opens Journalism Mentorship Program to All New England States
The New England First Amendment Coalition is providing a free mentorship program for all journalists working in the region.
The program — NEFAC Mentors — was offered exclusively to...
Student Journalism: More Needed Than Ever
In more communities today than ever, student publications are doing double-duty — reporting news of schools and surrounding communities — and doing both well.
You Can’t Have Democracy Without A Free Press
There’s a reason we need a free press, despite its faults and foibles: Democracy won’t work without it.
Applications for Negri First Amendment Institute Close On August 23
The New England First Amendment Coalition will host its 14th annual investigative journalism institute from Oct. 20 to Oct. 22 at Northeastern University in...
‘Be nice’ is not needed during crisis — but a free press is
“Be nice” — two words not found anywhere among the 45 words of the First Amendment. Also not found: “positive,” or “get ya”...
Worcester Telegram & Gazette to Receive NEFAC’s 2022 Freedom of Information Award
The New England First Amendment Coalition will honor the Worcester Telegram & Gazette with its 2022 Michael Donoghue Freedom of Information Award.
The FOI Award...
We’re a big part of the fix for ‘junk news’
Gene Policinski
Inside the First Amendment
Gene Policinski is chief operating officer of the Newseum Institute and senior vice president of the Institute’s First Amendment Center....
Celebrate the 229th birthday of Freedom of the Press and the Bill of Rights...
The New England Newspaper & Press Association and New England First Amendment Coalition are excited to partner on an ad campaign, provided by the Free Speech Center,...