229 years ago, America became . . . America

Today marks a hidden holiday, as uncelebrated as it is unappreciated. It was 229 years ago today that the United States ratified...

Celebrate the 229th birthday of Freedom of the Press and the Bill of Rights...

The New England Newspaper & Press Association and New England First Amendment Coalition are excited to partner on an ad campaign, provided by the Free Speech Center,...

Thankful We Can Speak Our Minds This Thanksgiving

At the Freedom Forum, we’ve thought about creating T-shirts that read: “Free speech: Complicating Thanksgiving Dinner since 1791.” But...

On behalf of the First Amendment: ‘Dear Mr. President’

Dear Mr. President: Congratulations on your election victory. That’s a non-partisan congratulations. The First Amendment, with its 45 words...

Slanderous attack on former NEFAC President by GOP House candidate

Madison Cawthorn, a Republican candidate for the House from North Carolina, created an attack website accusing a journalist of leaving a job...

Humor, satire: Making the political ‘cut,’ from our earliest days

The 2020 election is no laughing matter — except that it is, in the great American tradition of humor and satire that...

National campaign to defend freedom of the press features celebrities talking about First Amendment

On July 4, the Free Speech Center launched a national nonpartisan and nonprofit educational effort to build understanding and respect for the...

Harsh words in presidential campaigns: Protected, nothing new

So, you think the already harsh language in this year’s presidential campaign is the worst ever?  Probably not —...

Applications for New England First Amendment Institute Now Available

Applications are now open for the New England First Amendment Coalition's, tuition-free, First Amendment Institute in investigative journalism, awarded to 25 working...

First Amendment Watch Releases a Citizen’s Guide to Recording Police

New York University First Amendment Watch | June 10, 2020 In response to the nationwide demonstrations against police brutality,...