
New Assange Charges Raise Two First Amendment Alarms

Gene Policinski is president and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum Institute. He can be reached, or...

Defending all of us by defending a free press

Gene Policinski is president and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum Institute. He can be reached, or follow...

On Campus Speech: Thanks, Mr. President — But No Thanks

Gene Policinski is president and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum Institute. He can be reached at, or...

Student Journalism: More Needed Than Ever

In more communities today than ever, student publications are doing double-duty — reporting news of schools and surrounding communities — and doing both well. As...

A Growing List: 2019 Threats to First Amendment Freedoms

First Amendment threats and defenses have, for much of the past 100 years, largely focused on protecting individual speech — the rights of any...

Time to Stand up for Journalists, for the Pursuit of Truth

Unlike most of Time magazine's "Person of the Year" designees since 1927, we can be certain none of those featured this year on that...

Making the Web, Social Media ‘Better’ Places — with Caution

We'd all like a "better" internet in terms of privacy, politeness, taste and safety. And who would oppose eliminating false or misleading information from...

‘Enemies of the people?’ Simply, plainly – ‘no.’

As plainly and clearly as one can say or write this: Journalism and journalists are not "enemies of the people." A free press brings us the...
Gene Policinski First Amendment

What’s the ‘true threat’ to American journalism and democracy?

Threats to the survival of a free press seem much in the air these days, from the near daily online insults hurled from the...

We Hate “False News” Even More Than We “Hate” On Social Media

We hate false information on social media even more than “hate speech” or personal attacks, says the 2018 State of the First Amendment survey released Thursday...