John Foust

A strategy for organizing your advertisers’ information

I was talking to Greg, a veteran sales manager “Our sales team knows the importance of asking questions and gathering the right information,” he...

Four wins are better than two

Jodi is a sales manager with an interesting philosophy. “We’re all familiar with win-win,” she said. “It’s a common cliché these days. In business...
John Foust Advertising

Keep ’em talking and learn more

John Foust, advertising John Foust has conducted training programs for thousands of newspaper advertising professionals. Many ad departments are using his training videos to save time...

Get prospects involved in your presentations

John Foust has conducted training programs for thousands of newspaper advertising professionals. Many ad departments are using his training videos...

12 ad campaign tips

A single ad probably won’t generate much business. The real work is done in multi-ad campaigns. Here are a dozen tips: 

Show off your successes in marketing, advertising, circulation, and promotion!

The Advertising/Circulation/Promotion division of the Better Newspaper Competition consists of 38 competitive categories, and we want you to flaunt your best ideas for everyone...
John Foust

Full load or half-load

Greg used to help his uncle sell and deliver firewood on weekends. No doubt, that influenced one of his first phone calls when he...

Tell them why – and sell more

Like some other kids, I learned how to drive before taking the drivers’ education class in high school. My father took me to the...
John Foust Advertising

What golf teaches us about advertising

John Foust John Foust has conducted training programs for thousands of newspaper advertising professionals. Many ad departments are using his training videos to...

A good idea is worth the wait

When I was a kid and jumped to conclusions about something, my father often said, “Hold your horses, son.” That’s an old saying that...