How Training Can Improve Local News, Make It More Inclusive

Mark Glaser | Knight Foundation | December 11, 2019 If you were to train the perfect local news journalist...

Most Americans Think Media Is Doing Fairly Well Covering COVID-19 Outbreak

Amy Mitchell & J. Baxter Oliphant | Pew Research Center | March 18, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has caught...

SPLC Releases High School Budget Advocacy Toolkit

Student Press Law Center COVID-19 should not mean the end of student media at your school. Student journalists provide...

RJI now accepting applications for the 15th fellowship class of innovators

The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute is now accepting 2021-22 RJI Fellowship applications from individuals or organizations with an innovative journalism project...

E&P’s 25 Under 35 Competition Now Open

Editor & Publisher wants to recognize the next generation of news publishing leaders, and they need your help. They are looking for...

Grow your coverage of agriculture with these helpful tips

Depending on where you live and work as a journalist, there are two basic levels of importance when it comes to coverage of the...

Report for America Opens Applications For More Reporters

On December 8, Report for America announced the selection of nearly 70 new host newsroom partners, while opening applications for approximately 150 new reporting corps...

NENPA Convention 2022: Advertising Awards Presentation, Photos and Judges’ Comments

We are excited to offer photos, awards presentation, and judges' comments from the Advertising Awards Reception presented on April 29 in Boston during the...

Four Organizations In New England Selected for API Election Coverage and Community Listening Fund

Thirty-one news organizations will receive support through the American Press Institute’s Election Coverage & Community Listening Fund, an initiative to empower newsrooms to implement...

Adobe is ending support for Type 1 fonts as of January 2023

We want to get the word out to all NENPA members and other New England publications to ensure they will not be impacted by...