Knight Center data journalism course enrolls almost 13,000 students

Teresa Mioli | Knight Center | December 19, 2019 Students from the United States...

Why News Orgs Should Be Collaborating with Student Journalists

Matt DeRienzo | Editor&Publisher | December 17, 2019 There are the numerous examples of...

How the Boston Globe is affecting local media in RI

Robert Isenberg | East Side Monthly| December 18, 2019 Recent headlines about Rhode...

We’re divided in new ways over our core First Amendment freedoms

Gene Policinski is president and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum Institute. Email him at and follow him on Twitter...

Mentors Sought For New Hampshire Journalism Mentorship Program

New Hampshire Press Association | December 17, 2019 This is an appeal for participation in the New Hampshire Journalism...

Local broadcast stations make money on political ads as print and digital newsrooms struggle

Rick Edmonds | Poynter | December 13, 2019 As legacy print outlets and many digital startups struggle financially,...

Big changes at The Republican on Jan. 1

Ray Kelly | The Republican | November 28, 2109 Wayne E. Phaneuf, will retire as executive editor of The...

How Training Can Improve Local News, Make It More Inclusive

Mark Glaser | Knight Foundation | December 11, 2019 If you were to train the perfect local news journalist...

Goldsmith Investigative Reporting Prize Entries Due Jan. 2, 2020

The annual Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting honors investigative reporting that best promotes more effective and ethical conduct of government, the making...

The Connecticut Mirror Receives $830,000 Grant From American Journalism Project

Christine Schmidt | Nieman Lab | December 10, 2019 The Connecticut Mirror — Hartford’s nonprofit news outlet, created ten...