Panel urges journalists to stand up to Trump, and for the First...

By Katherine Isbell, Bulletin Correspondent Panelists for the convention session on “The next four years and the press” were, from left, Carolyn Lumsden, Bill Ketter, Asma Khalid,...

When information’s in doubt, check it out or leave it out

By Sofia Bergmann, Bulletin Correspondent The audience gasped in disbelief. “There were photos of busted lips and blood dripping out of their mouths. He would send people home...

Relating data to effects on people powers impact of investigative reports

By Morgan Mapstone, Bulletin Correspondent Managing time and data correctly is crucial to the success of an investigative story, according to Jenifer McKim, a senior investigative reporter...

Engaging with consumers based on their reading habits

By Alison Berstein, Bulletin Correspondent One thing I like to do is bust myths, and young people don't read the newspaper? That's a myth. They don't read...

Increasingly popular video becomes a must for coverage

By Alejandro Serrano, Bulletin Correspondent This year is definitely the year of video for news organizations, according to Al Getler, former publisher of The Burlington (Vt.) Free...

In simple or complex forms, data journalism adds power to stories, a...

By Bailey Knecht, Bulletin Correspondent ‘Data journalism doesn't always have to be about fancy visualizations or really complicated math or sort of impenetrable science. A lot of...

Hosting sponsored events is the art of a special deal

By Sophie Cannon, Bulletin Correspondent 'To sell these kinds of ideas, you've got to be thoughtful and creative. You've got to think what (companies) are trying to...

Blinder: Newspapers rock, but the wow factor sells ads

By Alison Berstein, Bulletin Correspondent 'When you do your elevator pitch, the response better be "wow!" The secret to that is benefit-driven. You don't have readership, you...

Changing company culture crucial for Meriden, Conn., Record-Journal’s success

By Alex Eng, Bulletin Correspondent Company-wide changes in approaches to advertising sales, content, and culture led to the success of the Record-Journal of Meriden, Conn., two company...

Students need media literacy and multiple sources of news

By Bailey Knecht, Bulletin Correspondent Educating young journalists about responsibility in media literacy was a key theme of the panel discussion on “Trends and changes in journalism...