Meaningful meeting reports demand substantive leads

Newspapers smartly are promoting their roles as government watchdogs to reinforce their strengths in the fractured media landscape. I join the chorus: Vibrant coverage...

NEACE Expands Focus and Spring Conference Dates Announced

In a thoughtful letter to New England newspaper professionals, Warren C. Dews Jr., president of NEACE (New England Association of Circulation Executives), announces the...

DEI Workshops for Newsroom Leaders

The Granite State News Collaborative (GSNC) announced it will continue to sharpen its focus on diversity in the Granite State by partnering with Organizational...

Rebuild Local News Coalition becomes an independent nonprofit and launches new drive to help...

The Rebuild Local News Coalition, an alliance of local news organizations launched in 2020, has now become an independent nonprofit organization and plans a...

Local Media Foundation 2023 Local News Fund applications are open

Local Media Foundation will launch the 2023 Local News Fund in September 2023 for independent or family-owned news organizations looking to raise money for...

‘Great Ideas’: Creativity and diversified product lines sell more ads, local publishers...

By Alex Eng, Bulletin Correspondent ‘We found, as a council, that while we’re rapidly trying to grow our digital franchise, we’re leaving our print franchise in the...

Watchdog reporters: How to dig deep for in-depth stories

Watchdog reporters: How to dig deep for in-depth stories By Nadine El-Bawab Bulletin Correspondent “Get closer to the big story using a series of small stories; by doing...

Bordeleau’s career built on passion, ethics

By Leila Habib Bulletin Correspondent ‘It's not about your byline. It's about making sure you do the best job you can when you are reporting a...

Now Offering Free Online Webinars For NENPA Members

Sponsored by the Journalism Education Foundation of New England We consider it an...

New Federal Law To Save Local Journalism

Editorial Board | Seattle Times | December 27, 2019 The survival of...