December Obituaries 2020

CONNECTICUT Chuck Burghardt Henry Heinz Katten Gloria Cole Sugarman Robert L. Wells, Sr. MAINE None Reported MASSACHUSETTS Luke Charles Laura Griffin Robert W. Keeley Andrew S.D. Lindsay Stephen Emmett Lyons Sandra L. Scafidi Keith R. Sikes James Worsham NEW HAMPSHIRE Dorothy...

229 years ago, America became . . . America

Today marks a hidden holiday, as uncelebrated as it is unappreciated. It was 229 years ago today that the United States ratified...

Celebrate the 229th birthday of Freedom of the Press and the Bill of Rights...

The New England Newspaper & Press Association and New England First Amendment Coalition are excited to partner on an ad campaign, provided by the Free Speech Center,...

2020 Local Media Digital Innovation Awards

The Local Media Association announced that the 2020 Local Media Digital Innovation Awards are open for entry....

Congress passes legislation honoring fallen journalists

Update to this post: President Donald Trump signed this into law on Dec. 23, 2020.

2021 Summer Internship Opportunities

The Lead, a weekly newsletter for student journalists produced in partnership with Poynter has put together a...

Bill Elfers, Creator of Community Newspaper Company Has Died

Bill Elfers died peacefully at home on November 28, 2020, after a long struggle with ALS.

November Obituaries 2020

CONNECTICUT Virginia Fiske Boorom Anthony Adams Davenport Nancy Ann Fenton Harry A. Jackson Sr. Robert Francis Kennedy Joyce Rossignol MAINE None Reported MASSACHUSETTS William F. Bell, Jr. Louise Black Henry T. Callahan Marjorie I. DeSmet Bill Elfers Gwen Ifill Norman...

Thankful We Can Speak Our Minds This Thanksgiving

At the Freedom Forum, we’ve thought about creating T-shirts that read: “Free speech: Complicating Thanksgiving Dinner since 1791.” But...

Execute your strength: Put names and faces behind the stories

Nothing is more satisfying than looking at your product – whether it’s the print or digital edition – and smiling in approval,...