NENPA convention to explore best practices for journalism in a challenging, changing...

By Alison Berstein, Bulletin Correspondent Many of the discussion topics at this year’s annual winter convention of the New England Newspaper and Press Association will focus on...

‘Great Idea’: Convention to present ad successes in panel discussion, book

By Sophie Cannon, Bulletin Correspondent It might be the most innovative and ambitious attempt at interacting with an audience ever attempted at a New England Newspaper and...

Press must trump Trump’s P.T. Barnum act

Bill Ketter, guest columnist Bill Ketter is senior vice president of news for Montgomery, Ala.-based Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. Contact him at His column is...
Ed Henninger design

Text type suggestions

Ed Henninger, design ED HENNINGER is an independent newspaper consultant and the director of Henninger Consulting. Website: Phone: (803) 327-3322 WANT A FREE evaluation of your newspaper’s design? Just...
Kevin Slimp technology

Newspapers’ status: Somewhere between ‘booming’ and ‘dead’

Kevin Slimp, technology Kevin Slimp is director of the Institute of Newspaper Technology. Email questions to him at kevin@kevinslimp.comThe transition from 2016 to 2017 seemed to prompt...
John Foust Advertising

Advertising needs motivation

John Foust, advertising John Foust has conducted training programs for thousands of newspaper advertising professionals. Many ad departments are using his training videos to save time...

eBulletin Obituaries

Aurora Schroeder Emery Aurora Schroeder Emery, 96, of Hingham, Mass., died Jan. 12. Emery had been editor of the former Hingham Mirror. She leaves three children, Nancy,...

NENPA winter convention scheduled for Feb. 24-25 at new, first-time site in Boston

By NENPA The New England Newspaper and Press Association’s annual winter convention this year will feature at least one major change and a first. The convention is...

Social media twofold boon for journalists: Reporting tool, connection to the community

By Audrey Cooney, Bulletin Staff ‘The guidelines for the best practices for social media are always evolving.’ — Philip Tortora, Former audience analyst, Burlington (Vt.) Free Press Social media has...
Gene Policinski First Amendment

Our five freedoms will work, if we work at it

Gene Policinski, inside the First Amendment Gene Policinski is chief operating officer of the Newseum Institute and senior vice president of the Institute’s First Amendment Center....