The New England Newspaper & Press Association and New England First Amendment Coalition are excited to partner on an ad campaign, provided by the Free Speech Center, to recognize the birthday (Dec. 15, 1791) of the ratification of the Bill of Rights and First Amendment protection of freedom of the press.
“The First Amendment protects freedoms we need for a functioning democracy. Let’s celebrate its birthday by recognizing, among other rights, our ability to speak freely and publish widely. This is an opportunity for us all to remember how crucial these First Amendment freedoms are to our daily lives — and how vulnerable we would be without them.” – Justin Silverman, Executive Director, New England First Amendment Coalition
We have a quarter-page ad available and are providing it for download in color and grayscale for you to consider running on the anniversary Tuesday, Dec. 15, or during next week.
We have also included a corresponding editorial written by Ken Paulson, Director of the Free Speech Center, for your consideration to run.
If you have any questions, problems downloading the ads, or need additional ad sizes please contact, Tara Cleary at