Covering a U.S. Government Shutdown: Story ideas for national and local reporters

    September 29, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

    Time is running out for congressional Democrats and Republicans to agree to how they will fund the 2024 federal budget. All signs are pointing to a federal shutdown on Oct. 1, the first day of the new fiscal year.

    What do both national and local reporters need to know about what happens next? How should they cover this story and what it means for Americans? What impact will it have on Americans’ day-to-day lives? How is this congressional disagreement different from the debt limit debate which was resolved earlier this year?

    Join the National Press Club Journalism Institute for a free webinar with Shai Akabas, executive director, of the economic policy program at the Bipartisan Policy Center to learn answers to these questions. Moderated by Bara Vaida, NPCJI’s director of training and a longtime Washington, D.C.-based reporter.

    Participants will:
    – Gain confidence in covering the government shutdown
    – Obtain resources for covering this story from both a national and local perspective
    – Learn what led to this year’s impasse, and how this shutdown would be different
    – Get story ideas to tailor the government shutdown story to a media outlet’s community