Fine tune your midterm election coverage plans with AP and API

    October 20, 2022 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

    With Election Day just a few weeks away, many newsrooms have their game plans set. They’ve followed key campaigns and covered contested primaries. But now is a good time to stop and think through potential developments in the days leading up to Nov. 8, on Election Day itself and in the days after. It’s also a good moment for newsrooms to make sure their coverage checklists aren’t missing any important items. We’ll hear from journalists at The Associated Press – including its new democracy team – about its plans for Election Day, and lessons newsrooms can take away from AP’s 175 years of experience covering elections.

    This webinar is designed to leave journalists with insights they can take back to their newsrooms for discussion. We plan to leave time for questions and answers. Make sure to register and submit your questions ahead of time.

    Registrants will receive the discussion questions and answers after the event is over. In the meantime, you can read about the AP’s election coverage and how AP counts the vote, calls races, and conducts polling here: