The Science of Writing for Busy Readers

    October 3, 2023 @ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

    The Journalist’s Resource presents an online training session with public policy professor Todd Rogers. JR is a project of the Shorenstein Center aimed at bridging the gap between journalism and academia. Its primary goal is to help journalists improve their work by relying more often on scientific evidence and high-quality, peer-reviewed research.

    Everyone is busy. That’s why readers skim what we write – news stories, newsletters, emails, and even texts. In this online training session, Harvard Kennedy School Professor Todd Rogers will teach the practical cognitive science of how to write so readers fully understand what we’re telling them before they move on. It’s based on hundreds of randomized controlled experiments with publications including the Washington Post, Upworthy, and even The Journalists Resource.

    This free one-hour webinar involves activities and polls and ends with an actionable checklist for participants and their teams. Attendees will learn six principles to make our writing more effective, more accessible, and more respectful of busy readers’ time and attention. The session will be moderated by Shorenstein Center Director Nancy Gibbs.

    The webinar is open to all, but registration is required.