Understanding the NH Right-To-Know RSA 91a Law

    March 18, 2025 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

    Sunshine Week, March 16-22, 2025, celebrates the importance of open government to citizens and journalists. On Tuesday, March 18, InDepthNH.org is holding an online seminar on the state’s Right-to-Know statute featuring a panel of experts. Gain an understanding of the statute and how it can be used to access government records. Learn how to file a written RTK request, what records are not subject to RTK, and pending legislation.

    Join Annmarie Timmins, NHPR Senior Reporter, Nashua resident Laurie Ortolano, known for active involvement in advocating for her city, Barbara Tetreault, Berlin Sun reporter who has successfully navigated the challenge, Constitutional Law Expert Attorney Rick Gagliuso, and Nancy West, founder of InDepthNH.org. Damien Fisher, investigative reporter for InDepthNH.org, will speak to the topic as well as give us a preview of our next Zoom session that will take you into the world of investigative reporting. All sessions are free and open to the public starting at 6 p.m.