Frederick H. Gage, 90, of South Paris, Maine, died June 18 in Maine Veteran’s Home in South Paris.
He was a sports editor for many years at the former Wilton (Conn.) Times.
He later was news and sports director for WLAM-AM of Lewiston, Maine.
He also was sports editor of the then-Lewiston Evening Journal. After retiring from the sports department of the Sun Journal of Lewiston in 1990, he continued to write a horse racing column for the Sun Journal.
He was a member of the National Amateur Press Association and was its president in 1992 and 1993, the association’s only president from Maine.
Gage leaves his wife, Carolyn; two daughters, Debra and Karen; two grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; numerous great-grandchildren.
The obituaries were written, at least in part, from published reports by Bulletin correspondent Nimra Aziz, an undergraduate student in the Northeastern University School of Journalism.