Mark Brackenbury is leaving as executive editor of the New Haven Register to spend more time with his family. He began his career in 1986 as a reporter at the Register. He moved into management, first as assistant suburban editor, then suburban editor, managing editor, and two years ago, executive editor. He also was top editor of the Register’s sister publications, the Middletown Press and The Register Citizen of Torrington. Brackenbury was named the Local Media Association’s Editor of the Year in April 2014 for his leadership in guiding the newsroom through the coverage of several major events, including the Sandy Hook Elementary School fatal shootings in Newtown, a hurricane, a blizzard, the Boston Marathon bombings, a plane crash, and two historic elections.
The Transitions were written, at least in part, from published reports by Bulletin correspondent Nimra Aziz, an undergraduate student in the Northeastern University School of Journalism.