The New England Newspaper and Press Association has relocated.
As of the week of June 26, NENPA is headquartered at One Arrow Drive, Suite 6, in Woburn, Mass.
The move ends a 67-year residence at Northeastern University for NENPA and one of its predecessor organizations, the New England Press Association, including in several locations on its Boston campus and, most recently, on its Dedham, Mass., campus,.
The move involves new telephone and fax numbers and email addresses as well as new mailing and delivery addresses.
The main telephone number is now (781) 281-2053. The new fax number is (339) 999-2174. The website remains www.nenpa.com
The new telephone numbers and email addresses for the NENPA staff are as follows:
Linda Conway, executive director, l.conway@nenpa.com, 781-281- 7648
Megan Sherman, assistant director, m.sherman@nenpa.com, 781-281-7284
Una Creedon, finance director, u.creedon@nenpa.com, 781-305-4957
Lynette Williams, operations coordinator, ly.williams@nenpa.com, 781-281-2053
Dawn Orvis, media coordinator, d.orvis@nenpa.com, 781-305-3134
Kristen Hafford, Web/technology manager, k.hafford@nenpa.com, 781-305-3134
Link McKie, NENPA Bulletin editor, l.mckie@nenpa.com, 781-305-3134
Please email the staff if you have any questions, and you will receive a response as soon as possible.