Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 Yankee Quill award. The award is administered by the New England Society of News Editors Foundation, and it recognizes the efforts and dedication of those in New England who have had a broad influence for good in the field of journalism.
Recipients are inducted into the Academy of New England Journalists upon receiving the Yankee Quill award at a celebratory dinner (date and location to be announced this fall).
The 2021 honorees were:
- Paul Bass, New Haven (CT) Independent
- Tom Condon, Hartford (CT) Courant.
- Melvin B. Miller, Bay State Banner, Boston, MA
- Marianne Stanton, Inquirer and Mirror, Nantucket, MA
- Terrence L. Williams, Keene (NH) Sentinel
- William Monroe Trotter, Boston (MA) Guardian, (historical figure)
Selection for the award is not based on a single distinguished achievement. Rather, the Yankee Quill recognizes the effort and dedication of those in New England who have had a broad influence for good in the field of journalism. In other words, it is not based on a certain achievement in reporting, writing or editing or on the fact that someone runs a good newspaper or broadcast show or station. Instead, it honors a lifetime of contribution to the profession.
Nominations may range across the entire field of journalism — including daily and weekly newspapers, radio and television news coverage, and other forms of media that meet the tests of journalism.
Members of the Academy of New England Journalists, along with the representatives of several New England media associations, will select the persons to receive the Yankee Quill Award this year.
The link to the nomination form can be found by clicking here.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, October 7, 2022.
Nominations may be emailed to: L.Conway@nenpa.com or hard copies may be mailed to:
Yankee Quill
PO Box 2505
Woburn MA 01801
For further information contact:
George Geers, academy chair, gnews@empire.net, (603) 785-4811
or Linda Conway, academy clerk, l.conway@nenpa.com, (781) 281-7648