As journalists, we rely on open government and freedom of information principles to keep the public informed about its government. Too often, though, we are met with roadblocks.
Sunshine Week was launched in 2005 by the American Society of News Editors, now the News Leaders Association.
In 2022, Sunshine Week is March 13-19. We invite you to hold our government leaders and agencies accountable by running an editorial on the importance of open government.
NENPA is working with the New England First Amendment Coalition (NEFAC) on this initiative. On March 7 we will distribute an editorial in support of Sunshine Week, written by NEFAC Executive Director Justin Silverman.
Please join us in raising our collective voice for transparency and access to public information, and what it means for your readers and community, by either publishing the editorial during Sunshine Week, March 13-19, or writing your own editorial.
Let us know that you’ll be participating, and we’ll collect all editorials submitted and feature them in our eBulletin at the end of the month.