Editor & Publisher put out their call several months ago for their annual 10 News Publishers That Do It Right contest. Newsrooms had a lot on their plates, being right in the middle of the pandemic, and they were not even certain how many newsrooms would submit to this year’s contest. But they received more than 50 nominations.

The Record-Journal based in Meriden, Connecticut made the list of 10 news publishers that are getting it right.
Like other newsrooms around the country, when the pandemic hit in March 2020, the Record-Journal had to suddenly think of new and innovative ways to conduct business. Like accepting donations from the public through the Local Media Association’s COVID-19 local news fund, raising $21,000 from donations in a two-month period.
Then in May, they received a $99,501 COVID-19 relief grant from Facebook and put it to use immediately bringing back furloughed employees, investing in technology, and providing free marketing for nonprofits like the United Way and others.
Read more and see the full list of news publishers getting it right in Editor & Publisher