Save the date for one of the most prestigious newspaper events of the year! This year the New England Newspaper Conference will be held at a new location – the AC Hotel Marriott in Worcester.
The one-day conference will include several speakers, panels and sessions that address relevant and timely topics in the newspaper industry.
The centerpiece of the conference is the New England Newspaper of the Year awards luncheon. The Newspaper of the Year awards are presented to the very best newspapers in the region. This unique competition is judged by panels of newspaper readers.
The awards luncheon also honors the recipients of NENPA’s annual Publick Occurrences Awards, the New England First Amendment Award, the Allan B. Rogers Award for the best editorial of the year in New England, the AP Sevellon Brown Journalist of the Year Award, and the Bob Wallack Community Journalism Award.
2019 New England Newspaper Conference
Thursday, October 10, 2019
AC Hotel Marriott, Worcester, MA (new location!)
For more information contact Christine Panek at c.panek@nenpa.com or 781-281-7284.