Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday are just around the corner. And this year, we hope you’ll help us celebrate the first-ever Subscribe Sunday on December 1.
The Boston Globe came up with this idea, and we think it’s brilliant: A #SubscribeSunday social media campaign encouraging readers here and across the country to subscribe to their local paper (or its digital equivalent).
We’re also asking folks in newsrooms around the world to help promote this idea at a time when local journalism is endangered — and desperately needed. Feel free to download and use the unbranded gif file the Globe created in your efforts.
Please consider sharing the campaign with friends at other news organizations and associations. And ask friends and family who care about local journalism to join in, too!
As you plan your purchases for the big holiday shopping weekend, please consider investing in a strong democracy. Support independent local journalism and subscribe to your local news organization or give a subscription as a gift.
Share your purchase on social media using hashtag #SubscribeSunday.
For more information on Subscribe Sunday contact Janelle.Nanos@globe.com or Heather.Ciras@globe.com.