Theresa “Terry” (Ruff) Walsh of West Hartford, Conn., and Old Lyme, Conn., died Oct. 26 after a brief illness.
In a newspaper career that spanned 40 years, Walsh was regional sales manager at The Hartford (Conn.) Courant and advertising director at the Bristol (Conn.) Press. She also held other sales and management jobs, with The Herald of New Britain and, most recently, with The Day of New London, both in Connecticut.
She leaves her husband, Robert; three sons, Rob, Tim, and Mike; six grandchildren; a brother.
The obituaries were written, at least in part, from published reports by Bulletin correspondents Ashleane Alabre, Sophie Cannon, Jenna Ciccotelli, Nico Hall, Joshua Leaston, Georgeanne Oliver, Julia Preszler and Thomas Ward, undergraduate students at Northeastern University.