We are excited to announce that the recording of our recent webinar, “Reporting with State Education Data,” is now available! Hosted by NENPA University and presented on June 13 by Sam Ribnick and Danielle Kane from the Massachusetts Education-to-Career Research and Data Hub (E2C Hub), this webinar was packed with valuable insights and practical guidance for journalists looking to enhance their education reporting.

Key Highlights from the Webinar:

  • New Tools and Resources: Discover the latest tools and resources for accessing and utilizing public education data on school programs, trends, and outcomes.
  • Impactful Data Stories and Dashboards: See hands-on examples of compelling data stories and dashboards that can elevate your reporting.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Learn how to create accurate, localized, and relevant data visualizations tailored to your audience.
  • Follow-Up Support: Benefit from ongoing support from the E2C Hub team for your data projects.

Whether you were able to join us live or not, we encourage all journalists to watch the recording. The insights shared are particularly useful for those reporting in New England, where similar databases are available, but the techniques and ideas presented apply to a wider audience as well.

This session is a must-watch for anyone looking to transform their approach to education data reporting. No prior data experience is necessary, so everyone is welcome to learn and grow with us.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with your data projects, don’t hesitate to reach out to the E2C Hub team at Danielle Kane, Outreach & Engagement Specialist, danielle.kane@mass.gov.

Thank you for your continued engagement and dedication to high-quality education reporting. Stay tuned for more resources and upcoming events from the E2C Hub!